Thursday, October 27, 2011

Listening to your body

This seems to be a recurring theme in my life in the last few days. I don't think I've mentioned this yet, but I'm going to attempt the half marathon in April. I'm scared and nervous and excited. I'm not sure yet if I'm going to try to walk it or run it. I'd like to run it, but we'll see if I'm there yet when I get there. Right now, I'm just going to say that I'm going to do it.

So, in this process, I'm trying to push myself as much as I can to work up to that distance. If you hadn't noticed, 13.1 miles is far. It's almost the equivalent of me walking/running to work one way. Craziness. And I'm going to attempt to RUN that? Insane. But, tell me I can't do something and I'm going to be determined to do it. That's all I need is someone telling me I can't do something and the stubborn and/or rebellion in me comes out and I want to do it. Especially when it comes to something like this. Again, I've had so many people tell me for so long that I can't or won't do something that I'm determined to prove them all wrong.

Well, apparently if you push yourself too much and you'll apparently wear yourself out. Although, I haven't injured myself (yet - Thank goodness!), I have irritated a muscle in my hip somehow. Okay, not somehow. I irritated it by overworking it. Last week my trainer had us doing 100 reps of different things and the leg lifts got me. The next day or two, I ran my usual 3-4 miles and on the third day we had a leg workout. I took the next day off, but the following day (Saturday), Mom and I went to An Affair of The Heart and walked for something like 5 hours. I wore my pedometer and when I did the math, it added up to like 4 miles when all was said and done.

I've been pushing myself, but I think last week I pushed myself too hard resulting in this wonky hip this week. I've been working hard to get in 100 miles for our 100 mile challenge at work (walk, run, bike or swim 100 miles in 31 days) and I guess I've been working too hard. I have my 100 miles now, so I can technically take it easy. I want to try to get my100 miles without using the 3.3 miles I get as credit for doing a class with my trainer, but I'm not sure my hip will let me.

The point here, I guess I'm going to have to listen to my body. Although, I have a boatload of energy and the will to do more, my body just isn't letting me right now. It's very frustrating. When I have extra time, that's what I want to do. It's hard to not move when that's all you want to do.

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