Thursday, October 13, 2011

Well, here goes nothing...

For those of you who don't know me (and likely, most of you will know me), I'm Kelli.

There are 2 previous posts to this one, but they were really up there so I could post a rave/rant about when I got to meet a semi-famous singer about 3 years ago. However, I'm going to use this blog to hopefully blog and inspire others on the journey that I'm on.

About 6 months ago, I got tired of being fat. I've been fat all my life - or at least as long as I can remember. So much so that it's basically become a part of my identity (more about that later).

I've never been an athlete. I was always picked last in school for sports or teams. I tried to play softball one season when I was about 15 and failed horribly. So horribly that at the end of the season, I almost broke my nose and did break my new glasses and haven't played a game since.

I'm also very clumsy. I've always been clumsy, so I'm always falling or bruising myself somehow and don't even realize I've injured myself until I find a bruise in the shower or while getting dressed. Obviously, I remember falling, and I always manage to fall in some largely embarrassing way in front of a bunch of people.

Needless to say, because of these last two paragraphs, I never conceived that I would do anything seemingly athletic. Associating fitness with me is a definitely a new thing. Why I decided that I was tired of being fat all of a sudden, I'm not sure. I've never been happy with myself or my size. I probably haven't been since I was about 10 or 11 (about when I started to really gain weight). I just wasn't happy as a person either and decided to do something about it.

I'd signed up to do our company's "The Biggest Loser" competition. I had sort of started walking, but I wasn't doing it regularly. I might have gone once a week. Maybe. About at the same time, I got this goal in my head of doing a 5k. 3.1 miles seemed like such a long ways. Insanely long. But I got it in my head that I could do it.

I stared slow. Started walking what I could as I could. I started attending classes with the trainer at my job (more about that later as well). Eventually, I did work my way up to where I am now, but it took a lot of time and a lot of what I like to call "sweat equity". However, I know that with my hard work, I'm putting myself in better health and I'm also adding years to my life.

As I post more, I'll get more in depth with different things. I thought I should post something to introduce myself and what I'm doing here.

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