Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Good Intentions...

Well, I intended on posting more last week or over the weekend, but it just didn't happen. For all 2 or 3 of you who might be reading this, sorry about that. I had a crazy weekend. It was fun, but busy. I guess I probably could've posted something on Sunday, but I was taking a much needed day of rest.

I'll admit. I was completely lazy over the weekend. I didn't do any intentional exercise. For my trainer who very well might be reading this, I'm sorry! Although, I did work pretty hard the rest of the days of last week and I was active, just no intentional exercise. Let me clarify - My cousins and I had a garage sale on Friday and Saturday. So, I did lots of moving around, lifting and walking. Just not any intentional exercise. Maybe that will be enough. I did map out a course to walk/jog in my cousin's neighborhood where we had the garage sale. I just didn't get to it. I was exhausted after being outside and moving all that stuff around. I did manage to eat a decent breakfast both days I was there as well - which is something I've been struggling with lately. I just haven't felt like eating breakfast lately. I'm not sure what's going on there.

Yesterday I made up for my lack of exercise Friday and Saturday. I ran/jogged 4.62 miles on the elliptical. My legs can feel it this morning too. They're not sore per se, but I can tell I used them after not using them for a lot over the last 3 days.

I'm right at the halfway mark for our 100 mile challenge at work. I wish I were further. I have more mileage I need to add on because I haven't done the math on my steps from my pedometer. I still haven't taken that retard pedometer back to Academy either. I absolutely loathe that thing. Bump it or nudge it or even let it sit horizontal instead of vertical and it resets. Something is wonky about that. Either way, I'm going to try to get in at least another 4 miles today plus a class at work. Since the class counts as 3.3 miles, I should be able to get in an easy 7 miles each day over the next few days.

It's still a bit of an absurd thought that I'm jogging/running/walking 3+ miles on a daily basis. I was telling my coworker and trainer the other day that I started the 100 mile challenge last year, but didn't finish. Even what bit I did get in, I wasn't getting enough mileage on average to have finished. This year, if I keep up the pace I'm at, I should finish ahead of the 30-31 days. That makes me so excited. How far one can go in a year. Not everyday is a good one where I get in as much as I'd like, but it's always at least 30 minutes and I can get in at least 2 miles in 30 minutes. I just have to remind myself that every day is as new day and a new start. We might fail one day, but that's the joy in it. There's a new day tomorrow.

I'm also thinking of posting some pictures/posts on temptaions. What do you think? I seem do better if I have someone to talk with about my temptations even if my readers might be imaginary...

Today, I'm really craving a sweet tea from McDonald's and ice cream. Ice cream's been one for me for the last few days, but I haven't had any on my cheat days. I forget. Ice cream and fast food breakfasts are what I miss. I'm not sure what the connection is there.

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