Friday, December 2, 2011

30 Days of Thanks-FAIL! (Pt. 1)

I started a 30 days of Thanksgiving, but I so did not finish it. There are days where wrote a lot and some days where it was just a sentence. I'm going to try to post some of them here.

10/6/11 (we started ours early for the Bobay Challenge at work)
Today I'm thankful to work for a company that values wellness. I've tried to take as much advantage of it as I can. Between the free gym & personal trainer to their willingness to pay for wellness activities (races, marathons, etc.) outside of work, I'm very fortunate. I see how much my friends struggle and stumble on their own & I'm fortunate to have someone my employer pays whose sole job is to help us live healthier lives.

Had I not been employed where I am or had to pay for any of this on my own, I doubt that I would be nearly as motivated to change or be healthier. Nor would I be as motivated to exercise. So, today I'm thankful for whomever it is in the Roll organization that decided their employee's wellness was a worthy investment. Without that person, I doubt I'd be where I am today.

Today I'm thankful for grilled chicken sandwiches. I know it sounds silly, but They're by far one of my favorites. I've always loved chicken. I blame it on my grandmother. She grew up on a chicken farm. Taught my mom how to cook a chicken about 200 different ways and then mom fed it to us as kids. So, I've always had chicken around me. Seriously, I think it's my favorite protein.

I say this every year on this date, but it's still true. I'm thankful for my dad. he does a lot for me and I don't tell him thank you nearly enough. He's such a good person and tries to help where he can and when he can. I'm a helpful perseon, but not nearly like my dad. He goes out of his way to help others (including me). He sacrifices a lot for himself to help other people out. Whether it's me, my brother or my mom, he's always our taxi and willing to help out. Also, today is his birthday. :)

Today, I'm thankful for a car that runs. This time last year, I didn't ahve a car that ran and was constantly having to get rides from people. I always remember that and how "stuck" I felt. Although it isn't the newest, flashiest or fastest car, it still gets me from Point A to Point B and has proven to be fairly reliable. It's fairly good on gas and I'm thankful for that too. It won't win any races or car contests, but it does its job.

Today, I'm thankful for extended family. Even family I don't know well. It's always good to be around family. I've grown up around my loud extended family and when i don't see them for long periods of time, I miss them terribly. My cousins are always there to cheer me up and make me laugh. we have different tastes and attitudes, but we always have each other's backs and support each other when we can. We talk on Facebook and text messages, but nothing beats getting together and having a good time visiting and catching up with one another.

I'm actually thankful for a good long run today. I had a terrible day today, but after 3.7 miles, I feel SO. MUCH. BETTER. Things aren't resolved and it doesn't sound like they will be for a while, but I'm grateful for long runs I can use to get out my aggression. It feels good to have a physical outlet for stress and I feel better afterward. Not only am I less stressed, but I'm less tense and anxious as well. It's the only thing I've found that really helps. I just clear my head and RUN.

I'm thankful for a mother who taught me the value of a dollar and how to spend it wisely. As I've lost weight, I've had to get creative with some things. I need some new clothes and I'm glad my mom has taught me how to budget my money and to look for a good bargain to make what money I have go further. She's also taught me to buy worthwhile things with my money and not blow it on frivolous things.

Today is a cheat day for me. Yes, I'm thankful for that too, but specifically, I'm thankful today for Braum's and their delicous caramel fudge sundaes with butter pecan ice cream. I haven't had one in  MONTHS and finally had one today. It was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOOOOOOOOOOOOD! When you eat healthy every day for so long, it just feels so good to cheat and have something so deliciously yummy.

I'm thankful for rain. It's so relaxing to fall asleep to the sound of rain and it's raining tonight. I don't think I've shared this, but I have problems sleeping sometimes. It's gotten better with regular exercise, but some nights it's still a struggle. Having the rain to listen to as I lay down is definitely helping.

It's a very easy one today. I'm thankful for the safe delivery of my nephew - Micco. He's early, but healthy. He and his mom are both fine. My sister-in-law was scheduled to be induced tomorrow, but he decided he was ready to come now. He's so adorable and tiny. I'm thankful he's here and that he and my sister-in-law is fine. I'm thankful to live in a country where there are plenty of medical personnel to help her give birth in a safe environment.

I'm thankful for my other nephew, Achena. He brings such a joy and a delight into our lives. Yes, I know I'm biased because I'm his aunt, but he's a fun little guy. Even to people we know, they all seem to get that joy from him too. He always makes people smile and is always in a good mood. Now, if he would only slow down so we don't have ot chase him all the time.

Two things I thought of today. I'm thankful for our Veterans. They serve and defend our country for very little pay for what they're doing. Some of them served without any choice in the matter. Some of them give their lives and limbs for our country. They're definitely more daring than me. I'm too chicken to even hold a gun or defend myself, much less to be trained to do all the things they are. Thanks to all our vets who have served the country.

I'm also thankful for my friend Joe. He is a really good person even if he is a little blunt sometimes. He's very sarcastic and has a dry sense of humor, but he's good to vent to and he's excellent at math. He's also very tall. I like to give him a hard time about that. His legs are 2/3 of my body! Seriously though, Joe has been a very good friend to me over the years I've known him. Today made me think of Joe because of his love of numbers and because it's a... oh the name of whatever that is that's the same frontward and backwards. I want to say metronome, but I'm sure that's not right. Joe I'm sure would correct me if he were here.

I'm thankful for the 2 Movie Guys for their Muppets movie ticket promotion. I won passes to see it a full week before everyone else. I'm SO EXCITED!! I love the Muppets and am super excited to see them on the big screen again. I've been SUPER looking forward to seeing this movie and can't wait!!

Okay, enough for now. I'll try to post the remaining month later today or in a later post. I did do it. I just didn't post it everyday.

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