Wednesday, October 19, 2011

So someone is reading this.

Apparently, I do have readers. And more than just my mom and trainer. Well, if we're going by page views anyway. I feel a bit like Julie in Julie & Julia when she starts her blog. But according to blogger/blogspot, I have 40 page views.

Although, I had a bit of a freak-out moment  yesterday. I forgot I had posted the link to this blog on my trainer's facebook page. Well, he's the trainer for the entire company (all 200 of us) and pretty much is friends with everyone who works with him on facebook. I'd forgotten I'd posted a link that included a thumbnail of my picture to the right for this blog when someone came up to me in the break room and said "Hey, I read your post the other day." Confused, I asked her what post she had seen because I had really only told 2 people that I'd posted a blog. Well, one really, but one of my other friends at work said he saw it and read it. So when someone I don't really talk to at work comes up to me and says that they read my blog, I freaked out a bit. Then after talking to her, I realized she'd seen where I posted the link to my blog on his facebook page and clicked through from there. It wasn't that I didn't want her to read it. Obviously, if I wanted it to be private, I wouldn't have posted it as a public blog. I just didn't realize someone was reading it.

That being said, I"m going to post some updates from prior to forming this blog. I'd written them as notes on facebook, but they weren't public or even made available to friends. I wasn't quite ready for people to see them, and I'm still not really sure I'm 100% there. Mostly because it's personal and I'm not really used to being vulnerable with people. There have been so many people who have hurt me in the past and it's hard for me to let that wall down and let people really get to know me. It's easy to show them my teasing, joking side, but to show people the real me is something quite daring for me to do. So, be gentle with me please. :)

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