Friday, January 13, 2012

weird dream

Writing this down before I forget. My really weird dreams I like to remember.

So dad and I were going to church for a funeral, but we were late for whatever reason. We got there right as everyone was leaving to go to the burial though, so we go with them to the graveside. As we're getting back in the car, Frank Kauahquo pulls in and was apparently supposed to be part of the service, so Emerson tells him "I left you a lapel mic and a jacket by the back door. I didn't know if you'd have one."  So Frank goes and gets it.

Well,  we're about to go get in our car and this guy comes out. He's about 5'10. Medium build. A bit scruffy, but dressed nicely enough for a funeral. He asks if we were there for the funeral and dad says yes. He's been to our church before. I remember seeing him, but I don't know him. So I asked him if he was going to the graveside and he says no, because he doesn't know where it is. I told him that we did and offered him directions and offered to let him  ride with us. He declines and instead offers to let us ride with him. Well, I didn't have the right clothes or something and needed my bag out of the trunk of our car, so I ask him if I can go get it and let him know we'll ride with him. 

As I'm getting my bag, another guy comes running across the street and asks if we were going to the burial. He's shorter, stocky, has glasses is slightly balding and wearing jeans and this red puffy coat that has black stripes down either side of it. Dad answers and says yes and offers to let him ride with us. Something tells me that he shouldn't have said that. One because I had a weird gut feeling about the second guy and two we were riding with someone else. Three, i got a feelnig that the guy we were riding with didn't like the second guy. However the first guy was nice enough to let him ride with him. 

So, we get in the car and being that we're riding with someone we don't know well, we're making small talk. I don't remember what we were talking about, but it was decent enough. The first guy was really nice, but the second guy was relatively quiet and didn't say much at all. Somehow in the small talk, it comes out that the first guy knows the second guy and they don't like each other. The second guy did wrong by the girl whose funeral we were apparently attending. The first guy had helped the girl get away from something the second guy did to her or a bad situation that he had put her in. They get in a bit of an argument (which I don't remember all of at all) and the first guy ends it by saying "It was $17 million. Dude, you don't mess up $17 million." 

So, we go to the graveside service which is apparently in Moore somewhere. i was getting ready on our way there, but it seemed to take a long time to get there from our church although, it should have only taken avout 15 minutes or so, it seemed to take an hour or so in my dream. It didn't seem to bother me though because i was finishing getting ready while we were on the way (fixing my clothes that were misbuttoned, putting on makeup, etc.).  Also, instead of going down I-35 since it was just east of First Baptist Moore where the burial was taking place, this guy takes 240 to I-44 and goes east on the street. Weird. Also, it's dusk and getting dark. Odd because I don't think I've ever been to a graveside service that was held at night or when it was dark. 

We finish with the burial and end up somehow at a motel. I guess they had some sort of reception or that was where they were having the meal afterward, I'm not sure .Well, it's sort of a fancy motel. Not super fancy, but nicer than a Best Western. A midgrade motel. We're standign out in the hall wiht some other people (I don't know them), but some how we've lost the second guy. Or rather, he isn't with us. I'm talking to the first guy (who's still nameless) and then realize dad's missing. As I'm looking for him, I realize that in the same hotel, they're filming an episde of Top Chef and it's their Restaurant Wars episode. I love this show -- (in my dream and IRL) and want to sneak a peak of what's going on, but there's this big bodyguard/security person outside the doors where they're filming, but there's a big window in the door, so I can kind of see what's going on inside. Well, I figured out that somehow DAD is in there. He's like eating and everything. I'm at the window trying to get his attention since he isn't supposed to be in there and we're supposed to be leaving, but he either doesn't see me or isn't paying attention. he finally leaves and when I ask him what he was doing in there, he says "Well, how was I supposed to know it was the wrong room? They were both serving food!" So I asked him if it seemed funny that it was a sit down dinner and that there were camera crews and that the food was so fancy for a post-funeral meal (that is usually pot luck). And he answers with "Well, I thought it seemed funny, but I thought it was just something different." 

Next thing I remember, the guy is inviting us over to his house to hang out or whatever. We decide to go over there, but drive our own car. He has a small modest house,but surprisingly comfortable. We go in and have a seat. There's a TV against the front window, a loveseat to the right of it and a small sofa in front of the TV that's across from the TV. There's also a small shelf that the TV sits on and a small shelf next to the loveseat. We're hanging out and before I realize it, I'm sitting relatively close to the guy and leaning against him. Not snuggling with necessarily, but I leaned my head into his arm. he gets a phone call and even though it isn't up loud, whoever is on the phone is loud enough i can hear her. She's yelling at him about where he's been and how come she couldn't find him and tells him she saw some girl (me) go into his house. I hear him explain that he was at a funeral and that I'm someone he knows from church and that my dad is there so it isn't like a date, but she keeps yelling at her and ends with "Whatever. I should come over now and get all my stuff." He sighs, looks at me and apologizes telling me that he's just broken up with someone recently and she's a bit dramatic. 

Sure enough, she shows up a bit later. She's this tall black girl. She's a big girl, but more thick than overweight. You can tell she got dressed up/made up to come over to his house as if it were some desperate attempt to win him back. So she's yelling at him and he's just kind of letting her yell. I can tell he's embarrassed and just wants her to get her things and get out. So, she's taking the most random stuff. A notebook, some mail, some movies, a few pictures off the wall (and not even framed pictures. Like actual pictures taped or tacked up to the wall) and an invitation that was tacked up near one of the pictures. When she goes to take the invitation, she yanks it off, looks at him and says "I can't believe i was going to take you to my grandmama's  party" and yells at him some more about it. She finishes gathering what she has there (which she decided to pile in my lap for some reason) and says "I should take that too" and points to this antenna type system attached to his TV. I can hear her muttering under her breath about how she should have never introduced him to her family and how her relative(s) were too nice to get him such a fancy Christmas gift. I start to hand her things to her and she leans down to me and is kind of in my face and starts going off on me. She said something along the lines of  how she's seen girls like me in here before and how he always goes for types like me and how it never works out and points out several of his faults. I listen to her, but don't really take what she's saying to heart. Dismissing most of it thinking that she's just a bitter ex-girlfriend. 

In the meantime, as she's yelling and gathering her stuff, all I can think about is how she would really look nicer if she'd worn something different. She had on this gold-ish velour shirt with these flowers and vines on it and it had matching hotpants or shorts. When she was bending over, I remember seeing on the back of her thigh, there was either a small tattoo or a bandaid covering the tatto and wondering if it was something she sat on that stuck or if she meant for it to be there. 

She is gone again and he apologizes again. We start watching tv or the movie whatever it was we were doing and we hear something outside. At his house, there's a bedroom next to the living room where we're sitting. It sounds like someone is either trying to open the window or cut through it to get in. He gets up to investigate and when he looks outside, it's the guy from before in his same red puffy coat. He's about to call the police when we hear a crashing sound and he goes into investigate and the guy is in his house. I can hear him talking to him saying "That's not cool, man. You don't just go crawling through someone's window" and the second guy is explaining to him how he knew that the first guy wouldn't talk to him or listen to him otherwise. The first guy answers and says "yeah, you're right, I wouldn't." I can hear them argue a bit, but don't remember exactly what it was about, but the second guy says "Well, I'm not going to leave until you listen to me."

Just as the other guy is saying this, the door opens and it's this woman with her daughter and a radio flyer wagon full of stuff. She looks at him, jingles a set of keys and says "I used my key. Hope you don't mind, but you've got to take her for a while. I can't take it anymore." He looks at me and explains that it's his niece and she and her mother (his older sister) have a bit of relationship problems. Just teenage stuff and when they can't take it anymore from each other, she comes over for a few days. They need the space and he helps her sort through the problems she has and then she goes home after a day or two. I don' t recognize the girl, but her mom I think works at Teleflora. Before I could ask her though, she was in and out and gone before I realized who she was. 

We're still sitting on the couch, somewhat snuggling. Well, we are at this point. I look up at him and realize he has the bluest eyes and they're really pretty. I remember thinking about how it was different to see a guy with brown hair and blue eyes. I remember he had on this yellow shirt about the same color as big bird and wondering what would possess someone to buy a yellow shirt. Dad had just left before all the drama started saying he was going to leave us alone for a while and that he would see me at home. He looks at me, and I ask him "Do you want me to leave so you can deal with all of this?" and he replies "Do you mind?" I told him I didn't. I knew what it was like to have a bunch of drama in your family. So he looks at me and says "Tomorrow?" and I start explaining to him that tomorrow was Wednesday and I had church that night and how he should be there too. So, we're trying to work out another day to get together. He walks me out to the porch. That's when we both realized that I had no way home because I'd ridden over there with dad and he had left already. That was when I woke up. 

I told you it was weird. That was just me sleeping. No ambien. Just sleeping really hard. 

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