Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vanessa (Part 1)

Okay, so the long story.

Last Saturday, April 26, I was doing nothing on a Saturday morning. I was in my room reading, listening to the radio and generally being lazy. Not really doing anything. Enjoying my day off.

I hear a cue to call in. I have no idea what I'm winning. I heard something about a CD. Well, being the music nerd that I am, I call in. I can always use a new CD to add to my collection. I figured it was just a CD. No big deal.

It's from Vanessa Carlton. I like her. I'm not the biggest fan, but I am familiar with her music and I like it. I haven't really listened to it since her first CD, Be Not Nobody, but I remember liking that one. I had listened to her second CD too, but nothing from it really stuck out.

Well, I won what I thought was her newest CD, and it is. I didn't think it had been released yet, but apparently it's been out since November. Oh well. Still, it's a CD that I didn't have before.

When I called in, I hadn't paid attention to what exactly I was winning. Even as the DJ was explaining what I'd won, I hadn't paid much attention. Keep in mind; I had only been awake about 15-20 minutes, so I was still kind of asleep. I managed to tell him my information but almost gave him the wrong address. LOL So, I managed to write the address of the station down and I thought I heard him say that I could come up on Monday and pick up my CD.

So, I went up on Monday to pick it up thinking that all I had won was the CD. Well, there was some kind of mix up. I dunno what's taking so long, but it's taking forever and the DJ (whose name I find out later is Cisco) that is in charge of the contest is on the air, so I have to wait for him to go to commercial or whatever so he can come talk to me.

So, Cisco comes out and talks to me and apparently what I've won is not only the CD but tickets (or admission to) a private acoustic show with Ms. Carlton and of those that have won, one winner will get the chance to have dinner with her! THEN, I'm feeling like… WOW! No words. Just… WOW! I wasn't sure what to think. I'm still not sure how much I like Vanessa Carlton. I know that I like a lot of her songs, but I'm not a gigantic fan. I figured it'd be cool just to go. I've never been to a private acoustic show before – Well, other than one from Tonemah. And no offense to the lovely, wonderful, handsome guys in Tonemah, but they're not quite to the scale of Vanessa Carlton.

I figure it'll be cool to go to. I mean, to see the artist up close and personal in a private show. How AWESOME is that going to be, y'know? Like I said, I'm a music nerd. I love almost any and everything about the industry. I find it all interesting, so even though I'm not that familiar with her, I know I'll enjoy the show. Especially since I know I already like her first CD and of the stuff I've heard, I know that I'm probably going to like the other CDs/songs.

So, I call any and everyone who I know who might know who she is (it isn't like she's as big as say… U2 or The Police) and might want to go. Even fellow people who (like me) will go to almost any concert. I even asked a total and almost complete stranger from work. Well, he's not completely a stranger. I have talked to him a bit here and there. Just not a lot.

Anyway, I called a couple of people - five or six people to be exact. I figure of those people, one of them might be interested in going. JT said he'd get back to me and never did. Lana said she couldn't that night (I just found out she was supposed to have a 'date night' with her hubby). I invited Jennifer T. and Shera and neither one of them could go either. So, I figure I'll ask Angela if she wants to go. I asked her on Friday night at her birthday party and she said she might, but she'll call me to let me know for sure and never called. I thought about asking someone I've been seeing here and there, but I know he doesn't have much gas or gas money and I didn't want to completely put him in the poor house.

So, I asked mom if she wants to go. I know she's not CRAZY about going with me, but I know she'd probably enjoy it if she went. Since Vanessa Carlton is a singer/songwriter and is kind of like a modern Carole King and mom likes Carole King, I figure mom would like her. Mom agreed to go with me if Angela didn't go, and since Ang never called me back, I figure she's not going to go.

I talked to my friend Jason about it. He was like "Man! If I lived in Oklahoma," he lives near Baltimore, MD, "I'd go with you! BOOT LEG IT!!" So, I told him that I didn't have a way to bootleg it and wished I had his digital voice recorder. So somehow it comes about that he's going to loan me his recorder so that I can bootleg it. In return, he agrees to rip it for me and stuff so I can have it for my personal collection. Yay!~

He tells me he sent it and it should get here on Thursday or Friday. So, I religiously check the mail. I even borrowed a Nun's habits, rosary beads, etc.! (Okay, so that a was a horrible joke) So now it's Thursday. No recorder. I check on Friday when I get home from work. No recorder. Dad is usually the one to check the mail, so I asked him "Have I gotten any mail?" I know Jason said he would mail it, but I didn't know how he was sending. Whether it was going to be regular mail, priority mail, FedEx, etc. Still, Nothing. So, now I'm starting to panic a bit. I send Jason a message and ask him how he sent it because I still don't have it. And I can't get in touch with him because he has company from out of town and hasn't been around. Crap.

So now I'm a bit paranoid about the recorder. I'm wondering if it came and I didn't see it. Did it get lost in the mail? Is it going to get here in time?

AM I GOING TO BE ABLE TO GET MY BOOTLEG???? ARGH! IS THIS EVER GOING TO GO RIGHT?? @.@ I dunno. First, I couldn't find anyone to go with. Then I was missing a recorder to bootleg with. Both were very important aspects that I was missing!

I am ever so slightly annoyed. About as slightly annoyed as a sopping wet cat. I'm tring to look on the bright side. I'm still going to get to see the show. I'll still get to meet her and get her autograph and a picture with her. That's always good.

I stayed up too late the night before (Friday) due to my own anxiousness and adrenaline and excitement. But I get up and go to work on Saturday morning anyway. I'm WAY TIRED and they have me floorwalking (walking around answering people's questions). By noon, my feet hurt. I'm still a bit annoyed about the recorder and that I never did really find someone to go with me to the show. But I'm still trying to look on the bright side. It's a great honor and opportunity that I have here. Not very many fans would have this opportunity.

I finish my day at work. It ended up not being too terrible. I ended up staying longer than I was supposed to, but oh well. It wasn't too much later and I had to wait on mom to pick me up anyway and she didn't get off work until 1. Oh well. I was tired though and I could feel myself getting kind of grouchy. I was pretty much decided that I would just go to the show from work. But then we decided to come by the house and see if that recorder had come in today's mail.

We get home and the mailman is a block down the street. I'm not sure if he's going around the block and then down the street or what. And then I'm like "What the heck?? It's after 2pm! Why are you just now delivering the mail??" so I try to find something to do in the 15 minutes it takes for the mailman to get to our house. You can always hear the mailman put mail in our mailbox because of the way it's made and where it sits on the house. Well, I heard this THUNK! And I figured it HAS to be my recorder – or Jason's recorder that I'm borrowing. And "ZOMG-it's-finally-here!" the recorder finally arrives. Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay~!!!!

I play with it a bit to figure out how to work it. Hoping I got it right, I put it in my purse so that I don't forget it in the craziness in my house trying to get ready. I'm trying to sync my mp3 player, upload pictures from the state capitol and get dressed. And at the same time I was trying to get in touch with Jason for something. I can't remember what… Anyway, I was trying to get in touch with him for something. It was a lot of stuff. He ended up calling me while I was getting dressed. That was an interesting conversation. One left to the imagination. Anyway…

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